Thursday, June 3, 2010

English for the summer

You have worked hard for 9 months, haven't you? Well, you certainly deserve a long rest on the beach....;-) would be a pity to forget what you've learned this year.

Here you are some useful links to brush up your English during the long summer holidays.

If you want to.......

- do some crosswords

- follow the FIFA World Cup

- read some funny stories

- revise your grammar knowledge

- read a teen magazine

- watch some

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Great Britain: towns and regions


Where would you go …… ?

1) to visit a national park in England --> Lake District National Park
2) to visit a town which developed as an important engineering centre during the Industrial Revolution -->Birmingham
3) to visit a national park in Wales --> Snowdonia National Park
4) to visit farms growing cereals and vegetebles --> East Anglia
5) to visit a coal-mining area --> Wales
6) to visit a region where in the past the heavy industry flourished --> North of England
7) to enjoy good whisky --> Scotland
8) to climb high mountains --> Scotland and Wales

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Listening and watching: London

Watch the video about London and check your understanding.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010


This is an activity to revise the vocabulary about sport.
Click on the image of the crossword and try to solve it!

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Premier League

Watch the video and do the activities contained in this sheet.