Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Present Perfect

Dear students,

today we've revised the Present Perfect in class.
If you click here you will get the paper about the Present Perfect I've shown you.

Good work!

Friday, October 23, 2009

A tip for improving our pronunciation

Hi students!

Sometimes it happens that we don't know how to pronounce a word.
What can we do?
We can look it up into a Dictionary of English pronunciation.

Just digit the word and listen to the right way of pronuoncing it!

Next week grammar test

Are you ready for next week grammar test?

Below you can find some links with plenty of exercises in case you want to practice a little bit more

1) Simple Past

2) Present Perfect

3) Simple Past or Present Perfect?

4) Future with Will

5) Future with to be going to

6) Will or to be going to?

7) Comparative form and superlative form of adjectives

8) Can, could, be able to

9)Simple past or past progressive?

10) Prepositions of time and place

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Welcome to your new English blog!

Here you'll find the material we will use in class.

So you won't loose your way to English!

I will also post some links of useful websites to practice your English and deepen the topics we will discuss together.
