Thursday, March 11, 2010


Watch the video and fill in the gaps.

You're watching, I'm your host Alex and today we're gonna continue our city profiles, this time hitting up .
New York City is the _________ city in the United States and one of the world's global __________. Located in the _______ of New York, the city has a population of ________ with an area of _________________miles, making it the most __________ city in North America.
New York City is an international center for __________, finance, _____, medicine, entertainment media and_________.
The city is also home to the United Nations and to many of the world's most famous __________, such as the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building.
__________ known as "the ____________ " and "The City that never sleeps", the city attracts people from all over the _____________ who come for economic ____________ , culture and fast-pace cosmopolitan lifestyle.

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New York City is located on the ___________of the north-eastern United States, at the mouth of the Hudson River and south-eastern New York State. New York has a humid continental ¬___________ resulting from prevailing wind patterns that bring cool air from the interior of the north-American ____________ . New York _________ are typically with moderate ________ averaging a total of two feet annually. New York city is home to the most complex and extensive ____________networks in all of the_____________ , with more than _______ iconic ______ cabs, a __________ daily bicyclists,__________ , bus, railroad systems, immense__________ , bridges and _________, ferry services, and even an aerial commuter _______.
The New York City subway is the largest subway system in the __________measured by track mileage and it is also the world's fourth largest when measured by annual ridership.

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