Monday, November 30, 2009

LISTENING ACTIVITY 4: London set to ban plastic bags

Click here and listen to the report "London set to ban plastic bags".

While listening say if the following sentences are true or false (T/F):

a. London has banned all stores from giving plastic bags to shoppers T/F
b. People use around 1.6 billion plastic bags in London every year. T/F
c. It takes around 4,000 years for a plastic bag to decompose. T/F
d. London has no ambitions to be an example by banning plastic bags. T/F
e. London stores think banning plastic bags is not necessary. T/F
f. Retailers are still working to reduce the number of bags. T/F
g. Stores are worried people would buy fewer products with no bags. T/F
h. 19.2 percent of Londoners agreed with the plastic bag ban. T/F

Click here to get the script and check your answers.