Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remedial tests

Dear students of the 3rd year,

below you find the dates and the topics of the remedial tests:

1) Tuesday 17th November:
Present Perfect
Study of the pages 52-54-56 (Grammar book)
Study of the irregular verbs on page 402 until to hurt

2)Friday 20th November:
Present Perfect or Simple Past
Study of the pages 62-66 (Grammar book)
Study of the irregular verbs on page 402 until to run

3)Tuesday 24th November:
Comparatives and superlatives
Study of the pages 234-236-403 (Grammar book)
Study of the irregular verbs on page 402 until to stand

4)Friday 27th November:
Simple past or Past Continous
Study of the pages 46-48 (Grammar book)
Study of the irregular verbs on page 402 until the end (the entire verbs list)